Real-time fleet management

Logimine provides the easy-to-use ‘all in one’ HORIZON Fleet Management System (FMS) as well as a range of intelligent on-board terminals with intuitive operator interfaces, external payload displays, telemetry equipment and RTK positioning systems.

Our FMS software is intranet-based and 100% compatible with any type of network. We also offer Cloud hosting.

We can equip all types of vehicle and we support Big Data, with is no risk of data loss.

Whatever the size of your site, we will help you get the most of your available resources and gain a competitive edge in productivity by:

  • Minimising production costs, equipment failure, fuel and energy consumption
  • Maximising plant efficiency
  • Increasing quality control and stock homogenization
  • Optimising vehicle maintenance
  • Improving operator safety

Take a tour and see what we offer for larger sites and smaller sites.

Discuss your requirements with us. We will be pleased to send you a quotation.